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We arrived Seahouses in the afternoon. We were staying in The Olde School house. The weather was very nice . Latter in the afternoon we went for a stroll along the coast. This is basically a large village. There are some of the best fish & chips are available here.
Next day we went for all day bird watching trip to Staple Island and Inner Frane. It was breeding season ,the tour departed Seahouses harbor in the morning. We spent around 2 hours ย at Staple Island. We had to pay a landing fee to national trust in each of the islands.
Inner Farne and Staple Island are major sanctuaries in the UK for about 22 species of breeding seabirds, including Guillemots, Razorbills, Eider Ducks, 4 species of Terns and a staggering 70,000 Puffins.

The Arctic tern is famous for its migration; it flies from its Arctic breeding grounds to the Antarctic and back again each year, the shortest distance between these areas being 19,000ย km (12,000ย mi). The long journey ensures that this bird sees two summers per year and more daylight than any other creature on the planet.

We alsoย cruised around all the Islands to view nesting seabirds on the cliff faces and the Grey Seal colony at several vantage points.
Latter in the evening we took a night bus to London.