Return Voyage back to Ushuaia

🇦🇶 🇦🇶 🇦🇶 Distance from South Shetland island to Ushuaia is around 1000 km and it takes around 2.5 days for a ship to cross this. It was relatively quite as the realization is slowly sinking in that this trip is over . We had a glimpse of a world very different from our day to day world. There was a certificate ceremony which was great gesture from the company and we got a photo op with the captain and other expedition members. Crossing the Drake passage is relatively better this time though it…

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Antarctica – Western Peninsula (Part – 2)

15 Jan 2018 - 12AM Today we had a packed program for the day. I was up early to watch landscape and then we had an early breakfast at 7.30 AM. The plan at 9 was to land at Cuverville Island . This is located at the Northern entrance of the Antarctic peninsula. It is surrounded by a beautiful landscapes of glaciers and snowed mountains of Ronge island and Danco Land (Antarctic Peninsula). This island has biggest Gentoo Penguins breeding colony of the Antarctic peninsula. After spending couple of hours we left…

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